Savings Calculator
estimated yearly savings with PunchList Premium*
House value
Category | Yearly Savings* |
Skip most initial service/evaluation fees with our AI and thorough recordkeeping
event estimated once per quarter minimum |
Prolong the life of your home infrastructure (HVAC, water heater, roof, sidewalks, etc.)
savings are based on the projected replacement cost over a 10-year period and the number shown is an annual average |
Extend the life of your appliances
savings are based on the projected replacement cost over a 5-year period and the number shown is an annual average |
Save money on utility bills with increased energy efficiency
estimated 30% less energy usage from keeping systems clean, appropriately serviced, and completing PunchList maintenance tasks on time |
Mitigate catastrophy (from extreme weather-related events or inadequate system maintenance)
events estimated once per year (weather-related damage) and once every 2 years (failed-system-driven damage) |
Avoid contractor markups for last-minute service by planning maintenance proactively
event estimated once per year minimum |
Stop overpaying Pros by price comparing quotes and service rates with our AI
event estimated once per year minimum |
Stop paying for product repairs covered by active warranties
event estimated once per year minimum |
Stop paying for repairs covered by contractor workmanship guarantees
event estimated once per year minimum |
PunchList Premium subscription (yearly billing) | -$1,990 |
*Savings are an estimate and not guaranteed. Projections are based on typical costs experienced with higher-value homes, and will scale up or down with the value of your home. See the subtext in each cell to understand some of the assumptions underlying each calculation.